Connectors are the starting point in how Versori provides integrations to external systems. Unlike other IPaaS’s, Versori do not rely on “pre-built” connectors. There is a catalogue of connectors that users are free to use which have already been vetted by Versori, but users can also onboard their own connectors with just a few clicks.

Connectors are broken down into smaller pieces:

  • Protocol and protocol-specific metadata
  • Authentication Methods
  • Versions
  • Definitions
  • Actions
  • Triggers

Connector Protocols

The platform provides native interoperability with a number of different protocols, and how connectors are onboarded depends on these protocols:

  • HTTP - OpenAPI
  • GraphQL - Schema Introspection

HTTP and GraphQL Connectors can also be created manually via API calls, but this is not yet supported in our UI.

Versori can also support additional protocols and if you require support for one not listed above, such as FTP, S3 or SQL, please get in touch and we’d be happy to help.

A detailed breakdown of each supported protocol can be read on our Protocols page.

Authentication Methods

Systems authenticate users in many different ways and Versori offers a suite of different options in order to provide full coverage of all these different implementations.

Most implementations follow standardised processes which make it easy for integration platforms like Versori to connect to these systems. Other implementations however, are not always as simple. Versori offers two solutions to this problem, users can define custom HTTP requests to make to external services, with the ability to extract data from the response to be used as credentials on subsequent requests. Alternatively, users can write custom code in the form of a JavaScript function which can be used to authenticate with the external system.

See the Authentication Methods page for more info on the standard methods which we support natively.


In order to support changes to a Connector without breaking existing integrations, Versori implements versioning against particular resources which exist under a Connector.

Versions may exist in two states, either “draft” or “published”. Once published, a version and its resources are immutable. Versions may be deleted, but if published is a destructive action and will cause any Boards using said version to be un-deployed.

The following section, “Actions, Triggers and Definitions”, all exist within the scope of a particular Connector Version.

Actions, Triggers and Definitions

There are three main types of resources which exist within a Connector Version:

  • Action - defines how Versori can perform some operation against an external system, such as making an HTTP request.
  • Trigger - defines how an external system can perform a request to Versori, such as an HTTP webhook from an external service.
  • Definition - defines the data structures used by the action or trigger. For example, HTTP actions and triggers may contain definitions for each of the request and response bodies. Versori supports definitions in JSON Schema or XSD.