Triggers are an abstraction to define how an external system can invoke a Board to start an execution. At the moment the platform is limited to supporting triggers over HTTP, more commonly known as webhooks.

Manual Triggers

Manual triggers are not actually part of a Connector, but are described within this page since they behave similarly to Connector Triggers.

Manual triggers are a dedicated tool available in Boards which can allow a user to begin an execution of a board either by manually clicking a button in the UI, or on a schedule (i.e. run daily).

HTTP Triggers

HTTP Triggers are essentially webhooks which are configured on an external system, enabling that system to send events into Versori which can be used to begin an execution in a Board. Triggers are exposed to the internet via a dedicated URL which can be invoked by any other system with internet access.

Definitions are used to define the request body which will be sent to Versori, along with the expected response the system expects in return (however this is more often an empty response with a 200, 202 or 204 status code).

Since triggers are exposed publicly to the internet, it’s highly recommended that the Connector be configured with an Authentication Method suitable for webhooks. The most ideal method is via HMAC signatures using SHA256, although less secure options such as verifying a header is equal a particular value are an option if the external system does not support HMAC.

Trigger roadmap

There are a number of additional triggers on our roadmap for implementation, if you have a requirement for any additional triggers, whether in this list or not, please reach out to support to register your interest.

  • FTP file uploaded
  • S3/GCS object events
  • GCP PubSub
  • Azure Event Grid
  • NATS/JetStream
  • AMQP (including RabbitMQ)
  • MQTT
  • Redis