The platform provides native interoperability with a number of different protocols, and how connectors are onboarded depends on these protocols:

  • HTTP - OpenAPI
  • GraphQL - Schema Introspection

HTTP and GraphQL Connectors can also be created manually via API calls, but this is not yet supported in our UI.

Versori can also support additional protocols and if you require support for one not listed above, such as FTP, S3 or SQL, please get in touch and we’d be happy to help.

HTTP Connectors

These are the most common type of Connector, and are used when the external system exposes an API over HTTP. This is most commonly a RESTful API however this is not a requirement and any service serving a HTTP server is supported.

HTTP Connectors are added to the platform by uploading an OpenAPI specification, currently version 3.0 and 3.1 are supported. If you have a 2.0 specification (A.K.A a Swagger spec), we recommend using the converter which is available at

GraphQL Connectors

Currently, GraphQL Connectors are not fully supported via Connectors, but can be onboarded via Apps. Specific documentation can be found at Onboard a GraphQL API.

GraphQL Connectors are similar to HTTP but designed around interacting with a GraphQL API. Upon onboarding a GraphQL Connector we use schema Introspection to identify the structure of the graph. Actions are then created by defining the query or mutation you wish to perform, and the platform identifies the correct response schema and any variables required to execute the request.

SOAP Connectors

Currently, SOAP Connectors are not fully supported via Connectors but can be onboarded using our Apps functionality.

SOAP is a recent addition to the platform and is still in beta. We recommend reaching out to support if you require help building a SOAP integration. Although the feature is in beta, once the integrations are deployed and tested we provide the same SLA as our other connectors.

Protocol Roadmap

Versori strives to be an any-any integration platform, supporting all major protocols used for transmitting data between systems. If you require a protocol not described above, please reach out to The following is a non-exhaustive list of protocols on our roadmap:

  • FTP
  • SQL (Postgres, MySQL, SQL Server dialects - if you wish to suggest another dialect we’d be glad to hear them!)
  • gRPC
  • S3/GCS
  • GCP PubSub
  • NATS/JetStream
  • AMQP (including RabbitMQ)
  • MQTT