Definitions enables Versori to decouple data formats from the underlying protocol in how data moves in and out of the platform.

It’s important to note that any media type can flow through a Board such as text/csv or binary data, however some tools are restricted to certain media types, and Selectors are currently only supported with JSON data. Most integrations which utilise these unsupported media types can make use of the Code tool to convert data between different media types or extract data as JSON to perform flow control etc.


The primary data format for the platform is JSON, all tools support this format and it is described using JSON Schema. The default dialect is 2020-12, however schemas may also use Draft-07 by indicating this by the $schema keyword.


XML is a new addition to the platform, and functionality is still in development in order to fully transform and manipulate XML data. Definitions are implemented using XSDs, however these may only be created by creating a SOAP Connector via a WSDL, and the platform will also create JSON definitions for each SOAP Action. Building integrations with a SOAP connector still involves handling JSON data, however upon executing an Action, the platform will automatically convert the JSON to XML before sending the SOAP request. Responses are then converted back to JSON, and Boards will continue to function with said JSON response.

Definition Roadmap

There are additional data formats which are on the roadmap to implement so that users can utilise the full functionality of the platform with these media types:

  • CSV
  • Avro
  • Parquet
  • Protobuf