API Reference
- Switchboard API
- POSTPreview the output of a transformer.
- boards
- hubs
- GETGet organisations hubs
- POSTPost organisations hubs
- PUTPut organisations hubs
- DELDelete organisations hubs
- GETGet organisations hubs boards
- POSTPost organisations hubs boards
- GETGet organisations hubs boards integration info
- GETGet organisations hubs users
- GETGet organisations hubs boards users
- POSTPost organisations hubs boards users
- DELDelete organisations hubs boards users
- data-mappings
- apps
- operations
- schemas
- GETGet organisations schema utils signed url
- POSTPost organisations schema utils source url
- POSTPost organisations schema utils info
- connections
- credentials
- GETGet organisations signed url
Get organisations hubs users
Retrieves a pagniated list of boards belonging to a given user and hub.
BoardStatus is used to indicate the status of a board. The "unknown" status is used in case of inconsistencies in the database with the Board scheduler and the API cannot deduce the correct status without administrator intervention.
If the status is "unknown", then clients should assume it's in a draft/published state based on whether the board has an "activePublishInfo" field. If a board cannot be published due to it already being published and the "activePublishInfo" field is null, users should contact support.
, draft
, publishing
, published
, unpublishing
BoardPublishInfo provides information on a published board instance
TaskID is a unique identifier for the execution of a board. Each time a board is (re)published a new task ID will be generated.
LastEventID is the last observed event before this board was published. This may not be the last event on the stream for this board, since the observer may not have replayed all events at the time of publish. As such, the version of the board which will be executed is defined by this field, and not necessarily the latest event on the stream.
AppNodeID is the identifier of the App Node to which this listener's operation belongs to.
OperationNodeID is the identifier of the Operation within the App Node, which is listening for data from an external source.
URL is the address for where the Node specified by NodeID is listening. Downstream services (such as webhooks) should be configured with this URL.
ContentType is the "content-type" header for which data should be sent with. Initially only "application/json" is supported but other content types may be added in the future.
Security defines any parameters which external services must supply in order for Switchboard to acknowledge an incoming event. If this is defined but an external service does not supply matching information, the event will be ignored.
AdditionalHeaders describes any other headers which the downstream service must supply with the request.
RecentPublishHistory is an array of BoardPublishInfo containing up to the last 5 publishes for a board. If full history is required, users should use the ListPublishHistory operation for a paginated view.
TaskID is a unique identifier for the execution of a board. Each time a board is (re)published a new task ID will be generated.
LastEventID is the last observed event before this board was published. This may not be the last event on the stream for this board, since the observer may not have replayed all events at the time of publish. As such, the version of the board which will be executed is defined by this field, and not necessarily the latest event on the stream.
AppNodeID is the identifier of the App Node to which this listener's operation belongs to.
OperationNodeID is the identifier of the Operation within the App Node, which is listening for data from an external source.
URL is the address for where the Node specified by NodeID is listening. Downstream services (such as webhooks) should be configured with this URL.
ContentType is the "content-type" header for which data should be sent with. Initially only "application/json" is supported but other content types may be added in the future.
Security defines any parameters which external services must supply in order for Switchboard to acknowledge an incoming event. If this is defined but an external service does not supply matching information, the event will be ignored.
AdditionalHeaders describes any other headers which the downstream service must supply with the request.