This quickstart guide uses our React SDK to embed a native integration hub into your application. More information on the React SDK, and other lower-level SDKs Versori provides, can be found in the versori/versori-js-sdk repository.

The React SDK is the quickest way to get started with Versori Embedded, however it also offers the least amount of control over the UI.

If your UI has more bespoke requirements, it’s recommended to learn more about how Versori Embedded works and then follow the Developers Introduction to choose the best implementation method for your application.


There are limitations in this approach at the time of writing, but we are working on improving this functionality in future releases:

  • Only the first page of integrations are displayed
  • Connection Variables are not supported
  • Integration Variables are not supported

Before you start, it’s expected that you already have a React application. If not, we recommend using Vite to quickly scaffold a new project.

Next, install our SDK packages using your package manager of choice:

npm install @versori/embed-react

Now you can render our VersoriEmbeddedProvider component in your application, and pass in some configuration:

import { VersoriEmbeddedProvider, VersoriEmbeddedRenderer } from '@versori/embed-react';
import { CredentialCreate } from '@versori/sdk/embedded';

export type ComponentProps = {
    // Your Hub ID
    hubId: string;

    // A JWT token representing your user, with the "sub" claim set to the desired End User's `externalId`. This JWT
    // is issued by a Signing Key from your own API and should authenticate your user in the same way any other
    // endpoints are authenticated)
    token: string;

    // A function which generates a primary credential for your user, this will be invoked only when creating the user
    // for the first time. If the SDK detects the user already exists, this function will not be used.
    generatePrimaryCredential: () => Promise<CredentialCreate>;

export function Component({ hubId, token, generatePrimaryCredential }: ComponentProps) {
    return (
                endUserAuth: {
                    type: 'jwt',
                primaryCredential: {
                    type: 'auto',
                    generate: generatePrimaryCredential,
            <VersoriEmbeddedRenderer />

This example is the most minimal setup required to get started. The VersoriEmbeddedProvider component configures an EmbedClient instance and exposes it over a React context. The VersoriEmbeddedRenderer component is a pre-built component which renders the integration hub UI in your application, handling displaying the correct UI elements based on whether the End User has the integrations activated.

Given the above, the VersoriEmbeddedRenderer is optional, and you can build your own UI components consuming the EmbedClient context directly if this suits your application better.

For more information on using the SDK, the source code is available in the versori/versori-js-sdk repository.