Activate Integration
ActivateIntegration activates an Integration for an End User. This is the final step in the activation process and will create the necessary connections and configurations to allow the Integration to run.
This endpoint can either reference existing connections or create new ones. Once these connections are resolved/created, if there are any missing connections to what the integration requires, an error will be returned.
ActivationCreate is the request payload to activate an Integration for End User
Connections is a list of Activation Connections to create for this Activation. Each Activation Connection can either reference an existing underlying Connection, or a new Connection can be created.
IntegrationID references the Integration that the activation is for.
UserID references the user to activate the integration for, this may be their Versori identifier or their
external identifier, indicated by the userIdType
Dynamic variables can be used on an integration at run time. The user specifies the value of these variables when activating an integration. When an integration is created, the name and types of these variables can be defined.
EndUserIntegration represents an integration that is available to an end user.
This object is only a summary of the integration and does not contain all the information to enable the user to activate it. The GetEmbeddedIntegration endpoint should be used to retrieve the full integration details.