Boards can be triggered in two ways:

  • Webhooks
  • Trigger + Request

Webhooks are triggered externally - therefore Switchboard executes every time an event is received on our Listeners.

For Requests that aren’t webhooks - they need to be triggered either by another Node, or by a Trigger Node.


The Trigger Node has two configuration options:

  • Manual - This will trigger the Node manually, when you click the “Play” button at the top of the Board Editor.
  • Schedule - This will trigger the Node on a schedule, based on the your configuration in the board.


When in Scheduled mode, you can configure:

  • Start Time/Date - The time and date to start the schedule. The formats must be the same as the default values.
  • Unit - The unit of time to use for the schedule. Options: “Second”, “Minute”, “Hour”, “Day”, “Week”, “Month”.
  • Frequency - The frequency of the schedule. For example, if you choose “2” and “Hours”, the schedule will run twice every hour.
  • Include Days - The days of the week to include in the schedule. For example, if you choose “Monday” and “Wednesday”, the schedule will only run on those days.

Configure a trigger schedule