The transformer takes a source input and a target output, allowing you to expand objects, iterate over arrays, and use selectors from previous nodes in your boards.

Initial Configuration

The initial configuration of transformer assumes the source and target are the nearest connected nodes. To initialise the transformer, click configure:

Initial transformer config

Override Input

Additionally - you can configure the input to be from any previous node in your flow, this currently only supports selecting the $body property (the entire body of the selected node).

Override transformer input

Initial View - Leaf (Source/Target) Nodes

The initial view of the transformer is the leaf nodes, these are the source and target nodes. The source node is the data that is being transformed, and the target node is the output of the transformer.

The source node is defined as per the above initial configuration or the overridden input. The target node is defined as the next connected node in the flow.

Initial transformer nodes

Getting Started

The Transformer has multiple tools available to help navigate your data tree and to help deal with nested objects and arrays iterations.

To get started with the Transformer - drag an edge(line) between two properties on each side of source and target. Now you should have available two plus buttons either side of the connected edge. These buttons will allow you to add tools to indiviual properties.

We provide recommended tools based on the type of property that you’re trying to connect to. For example, if you’re trying to connect to an array as a source - it will recommend the For Each tool. If you’re trying to connect to an object as a source - it will recommend the Object Source tool.

Available transformer tools

Expanding objects

Object properties can be expanded in both source and target nodes. Expanding an object property will allow you to access the properties of the object as individual properties in the transformer:

Expanded objects

Handling arrays/lists

The Transformer has 3 tools currently for working with arrays/lists: For Each, List Builder and List Generator.

For Each

The For Each tool allows you to iterate over an array and perform actions on each item in the array. This tool should be used as a source tool.

Using the for each tool on lists

List Builder

The List Builder tool allows you to manually build a list of items - for example if you want to build a list of 1, using parent properties of the source. This tool should be used as a target tool.

Create a known list of items from any source

List Generator

The List Generator allows you to generate a list of items, this tool should be used alongside the For Each tool - so that on every iteration of the For Each tool, it will generate a new item in the list. This tool should be used as a target tool.

Generate a dynamic list of items

Other Tools

Additionally - there is also a Selector tool, which allows you to step back out of the tranformer and select a value from a previous node in your board. This tool should be used as a target tool.

Select a value from a previous node

And finally there’s the Constant tool, which allows you to add a constant value to your transformer. The type is based on the type of the property you’re connecting to. This tool should also be used as a target tool.

Input a hardcoded value


The transformer will validate your configuration as you go, and will highlight any errors in red. Currently this just validates the property data type.

Validation errors

That’s it!

All of these tools will allow you to build up a complex transformation of your data, empowering you to build powerful workflows.

Final transformer config