The Databuilder can be considered an alternative approach to the Transformer - in the sense that it’s used for data transformation.

The Databuilder is a form based user interface, allowing you to use template values to provide more of a text editor experience.

Initial View

The Databuilder will initially only present the fields that are required. It can handle top level properties, arrays and nested objects.

Only required fields will be visibile initially

Adding from available fields

The fields that you populate are from the target system. You can add fields that are optional by pressing the “cog” button in the top right corner of the databuilder, then selecting which fields you want to display:

Select available fields

Adding a Selector Template value

In the databuilder, values can be templated in a sentence format, so for example - you could combine {firstName} and {lastName} to create a full name to a field called fullName.

Templating from previous node data

Creating lists

You can create lists by using the “Add” button on the right hand side of the field. This will add an item to a list, which you can then populate with the fields you require.

List building in databuilder

Existing list items

You can also add existing list items from a previous node, to be spread into your databuilder list. This can be defined via a Selector.

Spread existing list items