The filter accepts one input and one output. The input is the data to be filtered, and the output will be the data that passes the filter.

Use cases

The filter action is one of Switchboards method to provide conditional logic, so for example:

Imagine you have a list of users, and you want to remove any users that aren’t active for use further along your workflows. You can do this by using the filter action and setting the condition to + Equal to + true.

Remember that the Filter passes forward values that pass the defined rules and conditions, rather than filtering out those values.


The filter is a multi condition interface - with two operators - AND and OR. These rules can be paired with IF and NOT IF to create complex conditional logic.

Multi-row conditionals

The filter supports being able to filter based on a literal field value, or by using a selector to a previous field value.

Defining a filter value

Available Conditions

Values passing through the filter can be combined in rules with varying conditions, such as Equal to and Exists. See more options below:

All available conditions

Grouping Conditions

Rules can also be grouped to provide multiple levels of validating whether values should be filtered or not.

Grouping conditions